Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Passing Data Base

Here's a good passing link we should consider adding to the main link page of the THJ site:

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Juggling Fire: some words of wisdom...

If you're thinking of juggling fire (or even if you're already doing so), you might want to check out the latest addition to the "Miscellaneous" Page. The new posting links to two excellent write-ups about how to minimize the dangers involved.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

That Poem I Promised...

The following was written by Margaret Mitchell Miller. It was published in the winter, 1995 edition of Juggler's World:


To begin, I must warn you:
it is more than a gesture of skill
or chance. It requires a love of

threes. You will find it impossible
to do, at first. There is one
more ball than you can manage with

ease. Each hand desires but a single
thing -- another hand, say -- touched
to the small cupped

palm. But you know what you need
to complete this trick. Part of your task
is mastering the perfect rhythm of

threes. You must practice in a room so large
that nothing is easily broken. At your first toss
the balls will drop and roll just out of

reach. Resist the urge to give in
to the loss. Soon your legs and arms grow limber,
stronger, as you learn to retrieve them

all. Listen: the trick is in keeping
two balls in the air, you eye fixed on them
always. In the exchange you must free what you

hold: you live for the one that is
falling. It is what you hands desire most, you
know. With practice you learn to anticipate

the moment you must let go.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Juggling College Life

So I'm thinking that this blog is pretty cool. I'm happy to be a part of it! I'm a big fan of blogging when I can remember to keep up with it. I hope everyone continues to make good use of it.

What has everybody been up to?

I haven't seen most of you since Christmas time! I stopped by the club a few weekends ago but there were only 3 people there besides myself because of the holiday. I will definitely try to make it out to club again one of these days. I miss you all very much.

It has been a crazy year at Temple. I think you will be excited to know that I did it! I'm not talking about having a successful freshman year (even though I did...), I'm talking about how I started a juggling club at Temple University! Right now it remains "unofficial" but I have gained enough interest that the TUJC is off to a strong start. The first semester of our meetings has consisted of about 10 people juggling together twice a week. The club contains a lot of beginners and other jugglers that have been waiting for a club like this to come along so they could practice. It has been a great experience. A lot more people have expressed interest on the Facebook group and in person when they pass by the club. So maybe we will obtain even more interest in the Fall.

Since everyone is home for the summer, including myself, we will resume our club meetings twice a week during the Fall semester.

It has been a pleasure founding the TUJC. If anyone from Turks ever wants to stop by the club sometime please let me know when it gets closer to the fall and I'll have a better idea of what the TUJC's schedule looks like.

For right now, I can't wait to get back to West Chester and see everyone. I'll keep you posted...

Oh yeah... for those of you who use Facebook there is a Temple University Juggling Club group. Just search for "Temple University Juggling Club" and join!

Alright. Happy summer everybody!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Clubbing without a helmet

Ok now I know what you all are thinking. Lauren is 21 now and she probably got herself into some trouble and that is why she titled the blog as such. 

I am here to state that I have yet to be in trouble or to a real club.

I am simply talking about juggling clubs. When I first started my lovely purple clubs, I used to hit myself in the head a lot. When I practiced at home I would put my read sparring helmet from Tae Kwon Do on to ease the pain a bit. I'm glad to say, as I'm sure some have noticed, that my club juggling is slightly better. 

I have been working on new tricks with my clubs so that when I get to Disney in the fall, ask me about it I LOVE talking about it!, I will have tricks up my sleeve that might get me into those famous parades or even a little Main Street Show. While I know that I am far from it, I know that with a lot of practice and determination I can get to where I want to be. This of course means dealing with some pain.... I am proud to say that after two hours of club practice...I am getting slightly even more better, however I have lots of bruises on my forearms from it. 

Is forearm bruising normal in club juggling when you are tossing them about?

Also, a random fact that you didn't know about your lovely Lauren. She already has a blog. I muse about lots of things and would love to share it with you. Here's the link.  Go there! I talk about a lot of different things and once I am in Disney I will be Vlogging! what is a Vlog you might ask...well...It's a Video Blog. There are a few examples already on my blog. 

That's all for me I suppose. Oh and I love unless life catches up with me, I promise to blog a lot!

Nice article about Vova Galchenko

Adam Luther forwarded this NY Times article about the young man perhaps destined to become the greatest juggler of the next decade or so.

Thought you'd like to read it!

(Thanks Adam!)

Monday, June 2, 2008

What should I blog here?

Great question!!

Answer: all sorts of stuff.

Here's some suggestions:
  1. SCHEDULE CHANGES: This is where we will post the information that an upcoming practice session has to be cancelled. In addition, we'll post whether we're at the gym or at the Courthouse, if there's a unicycling or boomerang session coming up -- stuff like that. So watch this space!!
  2. ADVICE ON TRICKS: Working on 3 balls? 4 balls? 5 balls? Transition to rings or clubs? Learning to pass? Contact juggling? Unicycling? Cup stacking? Whatever it is, if you're getting stuck, ask for a little help from your friends!!
  3. WHERE TO BUY: Thinking of investing in new props -- and not sure which would be best for you? From a set of 3 balls to a giraffe unicycle, somebody around here has some good advice for you!
  4. UPCOMING SHOWS: Don't you hate it when you find out that a superb juggling act came to town and performed... last night? So if you know of an upcoming juggling/magic/mime/comedy act that you think others would enjoy, for goodness' sakes, tell the world about it here!!
  5. SHOW REPORT: The other end of Item #4. If you went to that show yesterday and you really liked it -- or really hated it -- share your opinion with the rest of us.
  6. BUYING OR SELLING: Anyone who has been juggling for more than 3 years or so has a couple of perfectly good props tucked away in the closet that he/she probably will never use again. So let's create our own little eBay right here!!
  7. RESTAURANT REVIEWS/MOVIE REVIEWS: Hey, life is not all cascades and passing patterns. Let us know about what's happening with you between THJ practice sessions!
  9. JOKES: So these 3 jugglers walk into a bar. The first one is a bounce juggler, and he orders a...
  10. SOMETHING INSPIRATIONAL: There's a wonderful poem about 3-ball juggling (honest!) in an old issue of Jugglers World. If and when I find it, I'll blog it for you. Go thou and do likewise.
  11. PROP REVIEWS: Hey, I just got a new set of (your prop name here) and I think they are (your opinion here), because (your reasons here).
  12. STAY IN TOUCH: Off at school? Long trip somewhere exciting... or not...? Let us know how you're doing!!

The above ideas are only suggestions. I hope the blog will take on a life of its own and that we will find wonderful new things to do with it!!

So... what's on your mind?