Alas, I am here in sunny, hot, humid Florida working for the Mouse. It's not that bad. I do get to see the Indiana Jones Stunt Show at least 3 times a day. I also get to talk into a Microphone so all is well here!
This weekend there is a Theatre Open House in Downtown Orlando and my manager is running it. He has asked me if I would like to provide some entertainment! OF COURSE! Was my reply. Not only will I be juggling, but I will also be displaying my improv skills as well as performing a monologue and a scene. I am FLOORED to have this opportunity down here. Who knows, maybe something bigger will come out of it...
I am so glad to hear that the Turks Head Jugglers are growing in numbers!!! I hope to see all of you when I arrive home in January *If I can make it in one of the 6 days until I go back to school* and if not then, then whenever I am able to pop in and say hello. Who knew being a College Senior would mean I had to get a real job in that big scary real world...haha well I guess I sorta did, but working for Disney sure has opened many new doors for me!
Best Wishes to everyone!
P.S. Did you know you could post pictures?! Well here is one of me at work! Enjoy!