Monday, December 14, 2009

Club Discount

Just to let you guys know... we have signed up with YoYoSam for a club discount. Just use the code TURK21 at checkout and you will recieve 10% off your order and Turks Head will recieve a credit for 10% too! It's a win win win situation

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

8 Reasons Normal People Should Juggle

More reasons to juggle, contributed by a friend. I like "#2 Got the Hunchies?"

"The average person spends 312 hours per day at a computer." Not physically possible, but I bet other desk jockeys would agree some Mondays do feel like 13 in a row.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Results from Cup-Stacking Championships

Drumroll please!

To make a long story short, 1st place in all four events in my age division, once again.

Plus I won 2 raffle prizes (with only 6 tickets to win with).

Beat my cycle time from last year by about a full second.

And no news about any new records just yet.

The bad news is that there were a lot of mean people there, this year. One girl even said that someone's time was "horrible", as they walked up to get a medal for their placing in their division. Her mother, not much nicer herself, kept telling her what she was doing that was wrong.

But, despite the poor sportsmanship from these people, there were a few that stood out (to me) for trying their best, and just giving it a go. And I applaud those people for an attitude that makes the world go 'round. No names, just fond memories.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Cup Stacking State Championships- Sat. 11/21

Ok, so a few of you may already know this, but I have registered (or will at the door) to participate in the PA state championships for cup stacking. Last year, I brought home four 1st place medals, AND the state record (still standing) for my age division, meaning I'm putting a TON more pressure on myself already!

And I already half broke another glow-in-the-dark cup! (I break them when I get nervous and frustrated, usually on my table at home)

So, here's hoping that the remaining cups will stay in one piece, and the half broken one (the crack hasn't gone all the way through to the other side) will stay intact for practice until Saturday.

For Saturday, I plan to use my REALLY good cups, in hopes that I do not break THEM during the competitions.

ANYWAYS (NOW I'M REALLY SHOUTING) Any positive thoughts sent my way will be much appreciated, as I'm having trouble sending them to myself.

I will now go have some of my dog's Valium. :P

Who am I kidding, I need to PRACTICE!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Juggling Store in Wilmington!

There is now a juggling store within easy driving distance -- where you can actually pick up the props you're thinking of buying and make sure they're what you want.

The store is called Yoyosam, and its street address is 2501 West 3rd Street in Wilmington. Zip is 19805, and the telephone number is 302.352.1843.

And, of course, they have a website: from which you can join their mailing list. Or order on-line.

I visited the shop a couple of weeks ago, and was impresssed. They are set up to do most of their business via internet, but are happy to see human beings walk in. But they suggest you call ahead of time just to make sure that someone's there.

They stock all sorts of "this may be hard to learn, but well worth the effort" type things, like yo-yo's, juggling equipment, flower sticks, diabolos, disc golf stuff, footbags, kites, etc.

They handle the full line of Higgins Brothers juggling props, plus Sundia diabolos, Crystal Stix, Luna Stix, contact juggling balls, and more. Their in-house selection of clubs is somewhat modest, but high quality stuff.

Where they see the opportunity to make their own props (like really nice juggling balls and 4" diabolos), they do so -- and offer truly amazing prices. Amazing compared to most other on-line, well-known juggling brands.

So, if you're in the market for new props, I strongly recommend you visit the website and maybe take some time to drive down to Wilmington. Or just give them a call and ask about what they've got in stock.

It ain't far, and could well be worth your time.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

A Bit of On-Line Pub for the THJ!

I mentioned to several of you that we had a reporter coming from an on-line "magazine" called to talk about our happy little band -- and whether it is an appropriate place to invite kids and/or grownups.

So last Saturday, Eryn Travis (yes, that's her real name!) paid us a visit, talked with me for about 30 minutes, then interviewed several other Turks Heads, and got some nice photos. You can get to the article by clicking here:

In the article, she stresses the appropriateness of the group for kids, because that was the initial intent of the article. I appreciate the fact that she included the idea that we are not a babysitting service, nor are we a formal teaching facility -- and that we expect everyone in attendance to behave in an adult rational manner. (Other than the fact that we stand around for hours throwing things up in the air and trying to catch them... I'm not sure everyone would agree that this qualifies as a serious "adult" behavior. But I digress.)

Anyway, Eryn and I would both appreciate it if you took a look at the article and gave some comment -- good, bad, or indifferent.

And please don't miss the short "slideshow" towards the end of the article!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Alexandra!!!! You're the one who told us about shoebox tour and you weren't there- THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING US!!! and we missed you. Hope you are getting very very smart- not to say that you weren't already smart- because you were plenty smart- now you will just have more smart stuff in your head.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Five Unicycles!!

This morning's unicycle session was a huge success. We had five unicycles and five unicyclists. (Which is about all the court can handle at one time.) A lot of learning taking place, a lot of assisting going on and everyone having a good time.

Quote of the day -- hands down winner -- was from Alexandra, who made her first appearance at the basketball court. She announced: "It's really nice to be able to go more than ten feet on the unicycle without running into a sofa."


Monday, May 18, 2009

Hey Friends!

Hello all!
Wow! I haven't posted in so long but you guys seem to have so many opportunities open for performing! That's great! I just wanted to drop by and let everyone know that I officially graduated from Penn State University on Saturday. yay! Wow. I never thought that day would come. Anyways, I'm currently jobless so juggling is in the schedule. I have been in contact with Disney and there is an opportunity to go back to my location at Indiana Jones, but I'm not sure I can make a solid living off of that. I have to go and talk with some of my friends down there and see how they are scraping by. Anyways, I hope to be in soon, probably on Thursday. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Randy's got surgery coming up

I have some surgery currently scheduled for next week, and I'm writing this for two reasons:
  • my attendance at THJ sessions is probably going to be hit-or-miss for a month or so, and
  • I've created a blog to allow everyone who's interested up-to-date on how things are going.

Blog address is:

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Blink and you might just miss it. The blur of crisscrossing hands and zigzagging neon cups is probably the weirdest organized sport you've never heard of...

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Peden to Sweden (full video)

If you haven't seen this, I'd highly recommend it. It has both technical and creative juggling- things ranging from 7 clubs to just plain creativity. If you have 13 minutes, watch it, it's really really great and impressive.
*Watch in high quality*

Here's the link:


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A Fitness Product for the Rest of Us!

Hey gang! Had enough of those exorbitant health club fees? Disappointed in the "home gym" equipment you've used before? Well finally, there is a sensible answer to all your fitness needs! Just click on the URL below and be amazed!!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Chain Maille Juggling Balls?!?

It will probably come as a surprise to most of you that my birthday was back on January 16th. We're not going to go into how old I am because that's not the point of the post. Some of you may remember that last Thursday I was doing some show-and-tell with my favorite birthday present. My wife was able to combine 2 of my hobbies into one gift. The first is obviously juggling, and the 2nd is chain-mailling. Anybody who is a Thursday night-er has had to have seen my kids (Matt and Becca) sitting on the floor sometimes with rings and pliers making small bits of chain-maille jewelry.

Anyhow, enough of this rambling on and on. Below is the link to the eBay store that my wife got the balls from, the seller has a few different types and the price is quite reasonable at $17-$20 per set.

As always: try to keep your balls off the floor...


Monday, January 5, 2009

A THJ "Library"

The School has been generous enough to provide us, not only the gym space we all know and love, but also our very own cabinet space in the adjacent "kitchen." That's where we keep the Boom Box and CD collection.

And what I would like to do is start a collection of useful juggling documents in aforesaid cabinet. So I will be taking a purple plastic envelope over to the gym today. In it will be the latest Brian Dube catalogue, the latest catalogue, and a recent issue of Juggle magazine. A sign on the envelope will encourage readers to browse through the enclosed documents, but return the documents to the folder rather than taking them home...
That way, we'll continue to have them!

Please feel free to contribute other documents to the "library" if you feel they will be useful to others.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Local Jugglers

Here is a nice article with video links about local jugglers Jake and Marty LaSalle. They grew up just down the road in Kennett Square and are some of the best jugglers that I have ever known. Enjoy

The New York Times Jan 4, 2009

They were just on the news. Marty thinks you can tell that he just woke up, but the question is can you tell which one is Marty? The video is under the famous faces section, titled "family circus."

Fox News Video