Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Juggling Resolutions

As 2010 concludes, I've been thinking about some of the juggling progress I've made over the past year. I've also contemplated the goals I made but did not attain. Did you meet the juggling targets you set for yourself in 2010? Or, as in my case, did gravity alter the trajectory of your intentions?

If you attend our session at the gym on New Year's Day, kindly contribute to my research by letting me know of your juggling-related aspirations for 2011. If you consent, I'll post them on the blog. If you can't make it, note yours in a comment to this post. It's a personal issue but I assure my interest is magnanimous, to support the exchange of expertise and juggling growth among all club members in 2011.


Travis said...

We were a tad light on January 1, but I'll share my goals anyway. I'd like to get 50 catches with 5 clubs. I see 5 clubs all the time at festivals, and I'm always amazed at the density of the pattern.

Randy said...

When I started performing -- roughly six or eight years ago -- I wrote down all the tricks I knew for balls, clubs, rings, diabolo, etc. then organized this "catalog" into performance lists. That is, which tricks I wanted to do in what order for each prop. (This was an excellent suggestion from Kit Summers, who knows a thing or two about performing!)

I haven't looked at these lists for years, but have accumulated new props as well as new tricks for "old" props.

So my resolution for 2011 is to revisit these categories, update everything, then start practicing complete routines again -- rather than just vaguely doing a bit of this and some of that...