Monday, November 24, 2008

Update on Tournament

I won I won I won I won!!!!!!!!!!!!! First place in four events in my age division, which consited of two people. But actually, combining my age division and the division above mine, I still would have taken first (that's five people total). I now have four shiny medals to hang....but where to hang them.............

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Sport Stacking" (Cup stacking) Tournament!!!!

I'm so excited. I have officially signed up to be in a tournament on November 22. Wish me luck!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

3-Ball Juggling Book for Sale!

Rummaging around in my back room the other day, I came across a supply of Beyond the Cascade: Step-by-Step Guides to 88 Classic 3-Ball Juggling Tricks that I had planned to provide to some juggling classes I was teaching. I have 20 pristine copies of the book. And would love to find new homes for them.

Dube sells this book for $12.95. I'm offering them for $5.00 apiece -- and will mail them at no additional charge if you can't make it to the gym.

Learning juggling tricks from a book is always a bit... well, a bit tricky -- but the drawings in this book are excellent and the verbal descriptions are quite clear. And the book includes juggling tricks that even Christian doesn't know. (Not many, to be sure, but at least a couple...)

If you're interested, please write a comment to this posting or send me an e-mail at or call me at 610.436.5759. I will try to remember to bring several copies with me to upcoming practice sessions.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Sew Your Own

During last Saturday's practice session, several jugglers briefly pondered patterns not oft considered at they gym. Of course there was banter about siteswap , but we also talked about sewing patterns and templates used to fabricate one's own bean bag props. Turns out The Interned Juggling Database (IJDB) hosts a great page on stitching beanies. Scroll for downloadable templates in .pdf files.

Dodecahedrons, truncated tetrahedrons; the geometries are beautiful. Another quality of our passion convincing me of the logic of the pre- and non-digital.

See Ellen or Janelle to sample eponymous bean bags "Ellens" and "Janelles."

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Octopus juggling

But can he do a shower?

If anyone can find a video, please share.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Joggle and Joggle

We all know the verb "joggle" as the simultaneous action of juggling and jogging, but did you know "joggle" is also an architecture term? According to my Illustrated Dictionary of Historic Architecture, a "joggle" is
a notch or projection in one piece of material which is fitted to a projection or notch in a second piece to prevent one piece from slipping on the other.
Hmm. Rest assured I will casually introduce "joggle" into a conversation with a coworker tomorrow. See the link for an illustration.