Saturday, October 24, 2009

A Juggling Store in Wilmington!

There is now a juggling store within easy driving distance -- where you can actually pick up the props you're thinking of buying and make sure they're what you want.

The store is called Yoyosam, and its street address is 2501 West 3rd Street in Wilmington. Zip is 19805, and the telephone number is 302.352.1843.

And, of course, they have a website: from which you can join their mailing list. Or order on-line.

I visited the shop a couple of weeks ago, and was impresssed. They are set up to do most of their business via internet, but are happy to see human beings walk in. But they suggest you call ahead of time just to make sure that someone's there.

They stock all sorts of "this may be hard to learn, but well worth the effort" type things, like yo-yo's, juggling equipment, flower sticks, diabolos, disc golf stuff, footbags, kites, etc.

They handle the full line of Higgins Brothers juggling props, plus Sundia diabolos, Crystal Stix, Luna Stix, contact juggling balls, and more. Their in-house selection of clubs is somewhat modest, but high quality stuff.

Where they see the opportunity to make their own props (like really nice juggling balls and 4" diabolos), they do so -- and offer truly amazing prices. Amazing compared to most other on-line, well-known juggling brands.

So, if you're in the market for new props, I strongly recommend you visit the website and maybe take some time to drive down to Wilmington. Or just give them a call and ask about what they've got in stock.

It ain't far, and could well be worth your time.