Saturday, May 15, 2010

THJ Cards -- I finally thought of this...

We've had "business cards" available for our club for years. The cards list our website name, so folks can look us up on-line. And the website lists the "when and where and how to get there" of our practice sessions, links to reputable prop vendors, other links to "how to juggle" pages, and so forth. All good stuff.

The main supply of these cards has been sitting in a box in my desk for years. Where they don't do anyone any good at all... So I finally figured out that, if I leave a supply of them in our cabinet at the gym, people who needed some could take them.

(Pretty clever, eh?)

And I will do that this very afternoon. And they will be in a yellow envelope labeled "THJ Cards." So, during the next gym practice you're attending, if you'd like a few for friends, family, or your adoring audience, you can take them!!

And, by the way, these cards fit perfectly in a 3-1/2-inch floppy disk holder. Keeps them nice and clean and flat and straight. And I think I have a few of those disk holders sitting around here somewhere. Somewhere... (They're getting harder and harder to find in stores!)

So if you'd like to have a floppy disk holder to hold your THJ cards, please ask me to track down my supply of them. And I'd be happy to oblige.