Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Clubbing without a helmet

Ok now I know what you all are thinking. Lauren is 21 now and she probably got herself into some trouble and that is why she titled the blog as such. 

I am here to state that I have yet to be in trouble or to a real club.

I am simply talking about juggling clubs. When I first started my lovely purple clubs, I used to hit myself in the head a lot. When I practiced at home I would put my read sparring helmet from Tae Kwon Do on to ease the pain a bit. I'm glad to say, as I'm sure some have noticed, that my club juggling is slightly better. 

I have been working on new tricks with my clubs so that when I get to Disney in the fall, ask me about it I LOVE talking about it!, I will have tricks up my sleeve that might get me into those famous parades or even a little Main Street Show. While I know that I am far from it, I know that with a lot of practice and determination I can get to where I want to be. This of course means dealing with some pain.... I am proud to say that after two hours of club practice...I am getting slightly even more better, however I have lots of bruises on my forearms from it. 

Is forearm bruising normal in club juggling when you are tossing them about?

Also, a random fact that you didn't know about your lovely Lauren. She already has a blog. I muse about lots of things and would love to share it with you. Here's the link.  Go there! I talk about a lot of different things and once I am in Disney I will be Vlogging! what is a Vlog you might ask...well...It's a Video Blog. There are a few examples already on my blog. 

That's all for me I suppose. Oh and I love blogging...so unless life catches up with me, I promise to blog a lot!